Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I think today is Tuesday...

It wasn't Tuesday---it was Monday

I hope you're all not as frustrated as I am with this whole international internet situation. This might be more trouble than it's worth. My friend, Shawn Melton, is probably already preparing his "I told you so" speech, but I'm going to keep trying as long as it's not too inconvenient.

Today was our first big day of touring. Caesaria, Meggido and Mt. Carmel. Wow. This is causing me to read my Bible with a whole new emphasis. Place names are suddenly popping out to me like never before.

The group of people that I'm with (25 of them) are all amazing. There are three groups basically. A group from California, a group from New York state and a group from Michigan. I have already been made an honorary member of the New York contingent. The way we act, you would think we had known each other for years.

Tonight I am sleeping in a hotel in Nazareth, the place where Jesus spent His boyhood and early adult years. I never realized that the city was laid out on the side of a hill. Quite amazing really.

The weather has been perfect. I'm only guessing, but I would say it got into the low 60's today. Pastor Jeff's back pack is great. I've been able to carry a lot of stuff around without a sore back or shoulders.

Another great surprise is how wonderful the food is and how much I like it. Tons and tons of vegetables and prepared in very tasty ways.

OK. This isn't all I have to say, by any stretch, but I'm going to post this now and return to it later, if I'm able.

1 comment:

  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, please post some pictures. are the people slender over there eating so many vegetables? Was the first day tiring?
